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Premium quality CBD

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Mini price, maxi quality!

Hemp flowers CBD indoor at low price against stress

For a few years now, the use of CBD products in France has been democratized by establishing itself as an effective natural remedy for many ailments.

Nothing is easier in 2022 than buying CBD hemp flowers online. In a few clicks, your package is ready to be shipped, you even receive it directly to the address you have chosen. Who could have predicted this?

We're not going to lie, whether it's in-store or online, buying CBD comes with a cost. Unfortunately, we have found that choosing to buy discount CBD often rhymes with consuming lower quality CBD flowers.

So we decided to address this frustration by offering you cheap but high quality CBD cannabis. Yes, you read that right! Thanks to Minibud, you will be able to reduce your expenses while multiplying the pleasures. All you have to do is let go and be surprised by the exceptional flavors of our CBD products that have been meticulously selected.

And yes, we thought of you by throwing our devolve on the small flowers of the most appreciated varieties. I know that at this very moment you must be wondering "why this choice? The answer is very simple: we wanted to make your life easier. In no time, your CBD flower infusion will be ready to be enjoyed. Do not thank us, what we want is that quickly and at mini price, you find a maxi quality.

No panic, Minibud is chic and above all, it is the kif. And who said size matters?

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When it's glamorous, it's heavy!

In fact, we are all attracted to what is glamorous, without really knowing why. Whether we're talking about fashion, art or other art forms, what is glamorous is irrevocably charged with mystery.

If you join the private club of Minibuds consumers, it's because you couldn't remain indifferent to the invitation you received. It's perfectly normal, don't worry. No one can resist us; we're a real eye-catcher. Buying CBD cannabis online will never be the same again because what we offer is unique, universal and evocative.

By choosing CBD hemp flowers from Minibud, you allow your mind and soul to express itself. We want to help you reveal yourself and free yourself from constraints.

No need to worry about exceeding your monthly budget or the quality of the CBD flowers you're going to consume, everything is done to make sure you have an enjoyable and above all, unforgettable time.

Not everyone can be classy. You have to be sophisticated but refined.

What is sure is that Minibud will make you more glamorous and that, it is heavy!

Frequently asked questions about CBD

What is CBD?

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the main active substances in Cannabis Sativa along with THC. CBD, THC and CBG are three cannabinoids, which are captured by the CB1 cannabinoid receptors of the nervous system. All are extracted from the flower of this plant.
It can be in the form of flowers, oil, spray or edible: you can use it in infusion for example.
The Court of Justice of the European Union considers, in view of scientific knowledge and based on international conventions in force, that  CBD hemp does not constitute a narcotic product.

What is the history of CBD?

It was in 1940, when cannabis had just been made illegal in the United States, that numerous studies emerged to study the plant and led to the discovery of CBD. It is then in 1962 in Israel that we could contemplate the exact structure of the molecule of CBD to conclude that it is not psychotropic: it is the door opened towards more ample and numerous studies.
Some forward-thinking countries such as Israel and Switzerland took an early interest in CBD and its health benefits.
They then set about crossing high THC cannabis sativa strains with agricultural hemp plants, which had interesting CBD levels. These new varieties they created had similar flavors to sativa, while the THC level is very low and the CBD level high. CBD hemp was born.
Today the CBD is on the front of the scene, and that boosts the research which does not cease evolving, allowing us to offer you products CBD always more top-of-the-range.

What are the benefits of CBD?

The cannabidiol contained in legal hemp flowers is a soothing active substance, whose effects contribute to reduce stress: used properly, it is a real asset for your health. CBD is now used in the composition of certain medicines whose benefits are no longer to be proven.
The products containing CBD allow in particular to fight effectively against the pain thanks to its analgesic properties, but also anti-inflammatory which relieve the articular and muscular pains. Thanks to a  faster muscle regeneration and a better quality of sleep, CBD hemp is a great ally for athletes who seek a deeper recovery.
CBD extracts, like oils, also help fight neurological disorders such as epilepsy, and can help prevent certain neurodegenerative diseases.
In other words, consuming CBD products will make you contemplate its effects: Reduced stressandbetter sleep, two factors that have a positive effect on your health.

Where to buy CBD products in France?

You can get cannabidiol products or CBD hemp flowers in two ways: in a physical store if you prefer human contact or on the Internet and wait for delivery if you prefer to have more choices and stay at home. CBD drugs are sold in pharmacies.

Making a CBD purchase is becoming increasingly simple, but with the explosion of the number of players on the market, not easy to find your way around. This is where the experience of the Minibud team plays a crucial role: our products are carefully selected for their benefits and quality. If you're looking to buy legal CBD in France (less than 0.3% THC), at an unbeatable price: you're in the right place. And for an order of 50€ or more (like our 4 x 10 grams pack), we offer you free delivery! Minibud is your specialist in high-end indoor CBD products.

How to choose your CBD flower varieties?

There are several factors to take into account: 

  • Firstly, it is important to select a CBD plant that has a concentration adapted to your needs: you can rely on the rate of CBD, indicated in the name of the product: it is measured in laboratory. If you are rather sensitive or you discover CBD, we advise you to choose a variety with a low level of CBD for an optimal relaxation effect.
  • Then of course, it is a matter of taste! For each of our products, we have provided a description of the smell and flavor, to try to tell you what you can expect. There are many strains of legal cannabis, each with its own characteristics and flavors. Among the most known we find the kush, the haze or the skunk. Don't hesitate to look at user reviews for a variety of personal experiences.
  • Fortunately, you don't have to worry about the growing method: all our strains are from indoor cultivation. They are therefore superior to their outdoor and greenhouse counterparts.
  • Sometimes it's also a question of price: if you still want to lower them, look at our packs: a real cocktail of flavors with decreasing prices depending on the quantity. We let you choose 10 grams, 20 grams or 50 grams of several varieties of your choice, all for one fixed price!

How to store your CBD flowers?

CBD flowers are a plant product and therefore need to be protected to preserve them. There are several factors that play on the deterioration of the product:

  • The air: if you want to preserve the smell and taste of your CBD flower, it is essential to leave it in an airtight container and not in the open air.
  • The light: The ultraviolet and infrared rays produced by the sunlight alters the molecules of CBD, which will then lose a large part of its active properties. It is therefore recommended to keep your CBD flowers in the shade.
  • Humidity: If your CBD is in contact with water or a too high level of humidity, it can generate mould and make your flowers completely unusable. It is important to make sure that the container in which you will store your CBD is not humid. 
  • Temperature: Ideally, CBD cannabis should be stored below 21°C. At high temperatures, it will start to lose its active ingredients and will be of less use. 

Is CBD legal?

The cannabidiol molecule itself is legal. What is subject to regulation is the concentration of THC present in the cannabis flower. Recently, the maximum legal THC level in a plant has been raised from 0.2% to 0.3%. Beyond that, the product is considered as a narcotic and is then illegal.

Rest assured, all our CBD hemp small buds are laboratory tested and comply with French and European laws.

And what is Minibud in all this?

Do you have a question?

Our team is available to guide you so don't hesitate to contact us. Answering you will always be a pleasure.
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